发布日期:2024-10-08 09:21    点击次数:155

新书保举 | 《以学生为中心的口述史:伦理指南》

作家: 萨默·切兰(Summer Cherland)

书名: 《以学生为中心的口述史:伦理指南》

英文原名:Student-Centered Oral History: An Ethical Guide

出书地与出书社:London and New York: Routledge







Student-Centered Oral History explores the overlaps of culturally relevant teaching, student-centered teaching, and oral history to demonstrate how this method empowers students, especially those from historically underrepresented communities.

With tangible tools like lesson plans and reflection sheets, available to download as eResources from the book's website, each interactive chapter is applicable to classrooms and age groups across the globe. Educators from all levels of experience will benefit from step-by-step guides and lesson plans, all organized around guiding questions. These lessons coach students and educators from start to finish through a student-centered oral history. Background research, historical context, cultivating a culture of consent, analysis, promotion, and gratitude are among the many lessons taught beyond writing questions and interviewing. With a specific focus on the ethics influencing a teacher’s role as guide and grader of a student-centered oral history, this book also highlights successful approaches across the world of students and teachers discovering oral history. These examples reveal how student-centered oral history empowers academic achievement, radicalizes knowledge, develops relationships, and promotes community engagement.

This book is a useful tool for any students and scholars interested in oral history in an educational setting.



1. 对于口述史

2. 以学生为中心的口述史

3. 本书过甚使用设施


4. 进行和栽植口述史的伦理

5. 以学生为中心的口述史最好施行


6. 学生为口述史作念好准备

7. 历史配景

8. 后勤和欢跃

9. 配景筹谋

10. 访谈

11. 分析

12. 宣传与学术

13. 感谢与反念念

14. 论断与反念念


15. 以学生为中心的口述史赋予学术成立

16. 以学生为中心的口述史激进常识

17. 以学生为中心的口述史发展关系

18. 以学生为中心的口述史促进社区参与

19. 举止号召



Table of Contents

Part One: Introduction

1. About Oral History

2. Student-Centered Oral History

3. This Book and How to Use It

Part Two: Ethical Student-Centered Oral History

4. The Ethics of Doing and Teaching Oral History

5. Best Practices for Your Student-Centered Oral History

Part Three: Student-Centered Oral History Step-by-Step

6. Preparing Students for Oral History

7. Historical Context

8. Logistics and Consent

9. Background Research

10. The Interview

11. Analysis

12. Promotion and Scholarship

13. Gratitude and Reflection

14. Conclusions and Reflections

Part Four: Student-Centered Oral History Success Stories

15. Student-Centered Oral History Empowers Academic Achievement

16. Student-Centered Oral History Radicalizes Knowledge

17. Student-Centered Oral History Develops Relationships

18. Student-Centered Oral History Promotes Community Engagement

19. Call to Action

Appendix: Sample Forms and Examples



萨默·切兰是南凤凰口述史项方针创举考验,亦然好意思国亚利桑那州凤凰城南山社区学院的考验历史学家。她的出书作品包括《这里莫得偏见:好意思国西部的种族看法、相背与对等搏斗》(2019 )。

The Author

Summer Cherland is the faculty founder of the South Phoenix Oral History Project and the faculty historian at South Mountain Community College in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Her publications include No Prejudice Here: Racism, Resistance, and the Struggle for Equality in the American West (2019).


中国东谈主民大学口述史研修班聚积口述史限制的知名行家学者,围绕口述史的表面、设施、手艺与诓骗伸开真切探讨。通过表面与施行的交流碰撞,研修班为口述史的革命发展提供了雄壮平台,促进了口述史在不同限制的拓展诓骗、学术价值和社会意旨,展现了口述史在新时间的发展后劲与诓骗出路。 同期,研修班将匡助学员真切意志与知晓口述史的学术价值和社会意旨,进步口述史筹谋和诓骗智商。

中国东谈主民大学口述史研修班(第一期)(7月26-28日)和第二期(8月16-18日)开班后,受到了公共的鄙俚讲理,在学员当中反响也至极可以。在各计划群中,好多一又友但愿简略开设线上课程,经初步研究, 拟于2024年12月和2025年1月举办中国东谈主民大学口述史研修班第三期(线上),将安排10讲,每周安排两次(周六和周日),每次时长约莫2小时。




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